This section lists the error codes you might encounter while using our API. Each error code is accompanied by a message that provides additional context about the error.
Sample Error Response
"statusCode": 10996,
"msg": "Invalid Nonce"
Parameter name
Error Code Table
err = {
'err_10000': 'The merchant account has been frozen',
'err_10001': 'Invalid merchant id',
'err_10002': 'Invalid timestamp, request timeout',
'err_10003': 'Invalid IP, you are not authorized to access',
'err_10004': 'Invalid HASH, it cannot be verified',
'err_10005': 'Invalid request, missing parameters',
'err_10006': 'Invalid request, type error',
'err_10007': 'Create address error, plz try again',
'err_10008': 'Invalid request, your parameters data type not match',
'err_10009': 'Incorrect usd price, range should be between 1 USD and 50000 USD',
'err_10011': 'Address timeout',
'err_10100': 'Invalid request, symbol not found',
'err_10199': 'Send Transaction failed',
'err_10200': 'Invalid address',
'err_10201': 'Invalid amount or reached the maximum limit',
'err_10202': 'Invalid price',
'err_10203': 'Not allowed request',
'err_10204': 'Invalid order id',
'err_10205': 'Matching order not found',
'err_10800': 'Create merchant failed',
'err_10900': 'Missing table parameter',
'err_10901': 'Missing table column',
'err_10901': 'Missing table values',
'err_10996': 'Invalid Nonce',
'err_10997': 'Symbol type not supported',
'err_10998': 'Unknown error',
'err_10999': 'Bad request, Service unavailable'